How Dare You!

Let's give our old headphones a new life.

Published on June 15, 2024 by Tomek Tomasik

Sennheiser HD201 headphones repairing tinkering values

This post will not be a guide, review or anything like that. Rather, it will be an inspiration and a demonstration of the values I live by. ;)

Do you consider yourself eco-friendly? You might already own an electric car, but perhaps you’ve thrown away your Sennheiser HD201 headphones due to eroded cable insulation. Some may wonder, who uses such cheap headphones? I do, for instance, because they have durable plastic, are lightweight, comfortable, and sound quite good. They are perfect for daily use and serve as a great reference for audio mixed on more sophisticated equipment.

So, why not give them a brand new life?

One of the biggest drawbacks of this model is the split audio cable, which is also fixed to the speakers. The cable is excessively long, which can be seen as either a pro or a con. There are two other major issues. First, the cushions are laminated with low-quality imitation leather, which wears out quickly. However, once removed, the cushions still look good. The second major issue is the rubber insulation of the cables. When it deteriorates, it can cause significant problems. Even if the internal wire is of good quality, it will eventually break without proper insulation.

At this stage of degradation, I took a closer look at the headphone design and discovered something interesting. The design allows for routing the wires inside the casing, but a few adjustments are needed. I won’t go into the entire process because it’s relatively simple. In short, you need to use a precision grinder to remove some plastic and drill holes through the hinges. You also need to remove some plastic holding the cable stiffener and create a bit more space inside for the mini-jack input. The next step is to solder new wires to the speakers and the input.

new internal cable route

That’s it.

The whole operation should take about an hour and use minimal electricity.

I understand the mechanisms of the free market. I have spent much time on this subject and know what our economy is based on. Continued economic growth is made possible by the continued growth of the world’s population. Imagine a world where everything is manufactured to be durable and long-lasting. In such a world, we would consume far fewer resources. Unfortunately, this would only be possible if the meaning of life for people was not material possessions. Also, people should not evaluate themselves precisely through accumulated assets. Most people cannot value and will place a rich crook higher than a poor but principled man.

Why is this approach good for the World?

  • You do not produce unnecessary waste.
  • You save time by not having to order or buy a new pair.
  • You reduce environmental impact by avoiding unnecessary emissions from production and transportation.

Now you still have your favorite headphones, but with a custom edition that should last long. Don’t you think one hour of your life is worth it?